With summer 2023 fast approaching, the Belize Airport Concession Company Limited is pleased to share a few stories and events happening at Belize’s international airport – the P.G.I.A. But first. George Nicholson was one of P.G.I.A.’s most recognizable and friendly faces. Mrs. Fiona Stephenson was one of Belize’s remarkably skillful educator. Mr. Halden Stephenson was a passionate rancher and environmentalist. As parents of our Manager of Finance & Administration, Mr. & Mrs. Stephenson were married for an incredible 57 years and both laid to rest on 6th May 2023. President George Nicholson ably led the Airport Taxi Association from 2006 and was laid to rest on 23rd April 2023.
They saw the world differently. They taught us how to live. There were no resentments. They created a sense of happiness and joy. They loved life. George, Fiona and Halden were served by the Proverb: “As you think so shall you be.” The genius of Fiona, Halden and George was having an open mind, a big heart, a belief in the potentiality of the possible. Who better to invoke than Thoreau – some of us h ear a different drummer and thus march to the music we hear. They created and danced to their music long before their passing. Theirs was a sacred awareness, a purpose fulfilled, lives spent in the service of others, no self-imposed limitations, envy, greed and doubt.
William Blake said if the sun and moon even doubt, they’d immediately go out. Their selflessness bloomed for all of humanity. Novelist Leo Tolstoy posed a terrifying question in “The Death of Ivan llyich,” “what if my whole life has been wrong?” Were that question posed to George, Fiona and Halden, they would have readily, easily replied in the absolute affirmative having embraced natural integrity, love, generosity, simplicity and a virtuous life. I am compelled to believe that educator
Fiona, rancher Halden and president George were believers in the wisdom of Tibetan master Kalu Ripoche who said, “When you understand, you will see that you are nothing. And being nothing, you are everything.” Their uniqueness remains alive.
Having complied with the provisions of the Management Agreement, the Belize Airports Authority and Government of Belize have endorsed B.A.C.C.’s second Master Plan for the Philip Goldson International Airport. Phase 1, a $60 million component, which has begun, seeks to exceed current travel growth and what is anticipated with a number of infrastructure projects that drastically expand capacity, improve sustainability and resiliency, and enhance service quality.
Our Management is pleased to have participated with the Department of Civil Aviation with I.C.A.O.’s Universal Security Audit of Belize, facilitated visits by Heads of Government, conducted extensive training, observed Women’s Month, met with T.S.A.’s Regional Head, collaborated with emergency response specialists from Alaska Air, and now offers its congratulations to the B.T.B. on its successful Air Lift Conference as well as to the B.A.A. on its upgrade of aerodromes nation-wide. Finally, we’re delighted to welcome 13 new B.A.C.C. staff and new services by JetBlue from JFK to Belize in December, 2023.
With friendship,
Jorge L. Espat