As we observed 20 years of managing the Philip Goldson International Airport, our Company reaffirms its three deepest values – purpose, performance and passion – which our staff practice daily as passengers and visitors are welcomed and workers and partners are served.
Indeed, there is much pride and satisfaction and hope and excitement at the end of yet another successful year.
With much anticipation and no small degree of anxiety, the scene on the airport grounds would be much more complex than captured in the outline of a fullscale emergency exercise held on Thursday, 10th October 2024, which was preceded by a table top exercise on Tuesday, 24th September 2024. We are filled with gratitude and respect for the 13 multi-agencies that participated in both exercises. We remain understandably expectant as we emerge stronger and more resilient.
From Monday, 16th September through Saturday, 21st September 2024, a team of T.S.A. officials conducted an assessment of the P.G.I.A. and inspections of U.S. carriers. They found airport workers to be professional, dignified and committed to the discharge of their roles and duties. Their stellar review humbles us and inspires us accordingly.
She is quite the instructor! MBJ Airport’s safety manager, Mrs. Daniella Roach- Boswell, traveled from Jamaica to conduct a 5-day seminar for our managers
to implement a systematic approach to safety management as structured by I.C.A.O. and Belize Department of Civil Aviation regulations.
Much gratitude is extended to Belize Department of Civil Aviation Inspectors N. McSweaney and A. Pineda who collaborate with our Compliance Officer Gilberto Torres on the Certification Exercise. We welcome Customs and Immigration Port Commanders Mrs. Dionne Carr-Baptist and Dalia Mai and thank their predecessors Mrs. M. Grinnage and Mr. G. Reynolds.
The ongoing airport capital investment projects – new airport access road, apron expansion, new eastern taxiway, new car park facility, expansion to Terminal 1 and 2, and acquisition of various capital equipment – are achieving steady progress.
We look forward to celebrating 7th December as International Civil Aviation Day.
Together these actions lend to the continuous improvements to safety, security, innovation, efficiency and environmental sustainability.
May you find time to relax, to laugh, to cherish each other in this joyful and peaceful holiday season.
With Friendship
Jorge L. Espat