It’s been a consequential time at Belize’s Philip Goldson International Airport. COVID-19 created what thinker Nassim Taleb calls Black Swans – extraordinary events carrying huge impacts.
Have you ever seen airport terminals, stores, parking lots, boarding gates, air traffic control tower empty? We have. Nearly every day. For weeks. And it was at the apex of our busiest period.
We try to comfort the 700-strong airport workers, usually to no avail, that flights would return soon. Managers, regulators, taxi operators, porters, rentals, caterers, vendors all felt powerless as flights cancelled and halls and lounges remained unoccupied. It is unnerving.
The apparent psychic agony was mitigated with Belize’s heroic efforts and the amazingly incredible leadership and presence of the country’s frontline and essential workers. No single sentence does full justice to the sophistication and important work of our public officials, especially our nurses, health inspectors, doctors, immigration, police and customs officials who kept Belize almost free of COVID-19. Senior Health officials, B.T.B. Director and Belize Civil Aviation Director and airport officials met on 20th May, 1st June, 2nd June and 10th June to discuss a raft of new measures to protect lives and livelihood ahead of a possible re-opening. Indeed, Belize conducted itself in a manner worthy of admiration, respect and emulation.
The services sector has been hit hardest from the global pandemic and international travel demand is likely to resume slowly. We are optimistic about the Belize brand and peoples’ desire to travel notwithstanding the loss of 195,000 fewer passengers in the first five months.
We extend our collective appreciation to Mr. Gilberto Torres, Deputy Director, Department of Civil Aviation, who reached the mandatory retirement age for his countless years of impeccable service, and offer congratulations to Mr. Nigel Carter who assumed the reigns.
Our $5.5 mn airport expansion project has been suspended with several critical aspects now being completed by B.A.C.C.’s versatile staff. Many hurdles remain to cross.
In fulfilling our Company’s concession agreement, $3,302,977.72 was paid to the Belize Airports Authority only weeks before the mandatory closure of the P.G.I.A. and $615,000.00 was reimbursed to the Ministry of Finance in ‘old debt.’ Of course, our cargo operations remain open and our personnel continue to facilitate several repatriation, air ambulance and military flights.
Deeply thankful we are to our Board of Directors who kept all our employees on the payroll.
Congratulations to our Human Resources Officer, Ms. Sharette Vernon and Security Officer, Mr. Carl Robinson, who became first-time parents. We welcome former Jamaican aviation Inspector, Ms. Theresa Benjamin, to our staff.
The coronavirus crisis has led communities and nations down a dark path. The actions taken in a crisis wrote Milton Friedman “depend on the ideas that are lying on the ground.” Together, we can inaugurate a new age of solidarity and altruism, ingenuity and personal responsibility, and create a different relationship with the natural, living world.
With friendship,
Jorge L. Espat

- Social distancing
- Passenger health questionnaire
- Use of facial masks
- Only ticketed passengers allowed in Terminal Buildings
- Monitoring of international conditions
- Increased frequency of cleaning & maintenance of AC sytems
- Electrostatic spraying of high-grade disinfectant
- Placement of sanitization floor mats
- Closer collaboration with health authorities
- Use of thermal scanning equipment
- Installation of hand sanitizers inside Terminals
- Placement of protective barriers to minimize personal contact
- Sanitizing of arrival luggage
- Regular sanitizing of the Airport Terminal Facility
- Promoting good respiratory etiquette
- Strict hygiene guidelines for workers as recommended by M.O.H.
- Signage and floor and seat markings
- Reassigned VIP building as health processing station